The Weekly Picks 007 – Ethos, Well-Being and FKJ

The Weekly Picks 007 – Ethos, Well-Being and FKJ

Publication Date
Feb 10, 2023
The Weekly Picks
Casey Neistat
Nov 23, 2023 10:57 PM
Here is your dose of “The Weekly Picks”, a curated list of what I’m enjoying.
20 second summary of what you can find more about down bellow:
📊 A meta-analysis that shows that shows what you value determines your overall well-being
💭 A interview with one of my favorite YouTubers – Casey Neistat – that shows “it’s all about the ethos”
💡 52 things I learned in 2022 by Tom Whitwell
💵 The California Effect by Mr. Money Mustache
🎧 FKJ: Tiny Desk (Home) Concert

What You Value Predicts Your Overall Wellbeing

This systematic review and meta-analysis of 105 studies and 70,000 people around the world found that focusing on intrinsic goals, such as growth, relationships, community giving, and health, was linked to higher well-being, while a predominance of extrinsic goals, such as wealth, fame, and beauty, was linked to lower well-being. These findings provide insight into how individuals and groups can shape their aspirations to support their own happiness and the common good.
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“It’s all about the ethos” 📹 Casey Neistat Goes Sneaker Shopping With Complex

A long time ago, Casey Neistat got me hooked on following some YouTubers after his amazing daily vlogs he started publishing. He was unique in his style, true to his life story and to himself, and it showed. Recently, during the “Casey Neistat Goes Sneaker Shopping With Complex” video, he made a powerful statement about why Nike accepted his video even though their logo was not present once during the entire commercial. He said that Nike felt the message was true to their values and that was all that mattered; “it’s all about the ethos”. This highlights how great he is in his work and how powerful his message can be.
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💡 52 things I learned in 2022″ by Tom Whitwell

Tom Whitwell has a unique approach to sharing what he has learnt each year – something I find to be a very interesting concept. By creating a list of the things he has learnt, he is able to provide a unique insight into his experiences. The facts and ideas he presents in his lists are often novel and surprising, and I think it is a fantastic idea that I would like to try to replicate for myself in the near future. I think it is a great way of documenting the knowledge and experiences we have, as well as helping to remember the things we have learnt in the past. It is also a fun activity and a great way to learn something new every year.

💵 The California Effect by Mr. Money Mustache

Mr. Money Mustache describes a problem that affects everyone in different ways, no matter where one lives. The Bay Area has a median house price of $1.5 million, and locals have become used to high prices for goods and services. Despite the high cost, there is still potential to save money and live a healthy lifestyle. Taking advantage of the year-round mild climate, exploring parks, and shopping at local grocery stores are just some of the ways to save money and live healthier. However, the “Everywhere Effect” is alive and well as people in the area often fail to recognize the opportunities to save money and live a healthier lifestyle. As a result, people in the area miss out on the chance to lead a better life.
Be aware of this effect in your own life.

🎧 FKJ: Tiny Desk (Home) Concert

French producer and multi-instrumentalist FKJ (Vincent Fenton) creates a unique musical experience, combining elements of jazz, synth sounds, and guitar to create a mesmerizing performance that is both visually and audibly stimulating, leaving viewers with a sense of joy and a desire to join in the music.
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If there is something that you think is of use or interest, share it with you friends and family 🙂
👋 See you next week, have a great weekend!
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