Bath tubs have the highest ROI per m²
leave your preconceptions behind
First the shirt, then the pants, then underwear and socks
Going to the bathroom
oh, there’s a flying bag in the wind, it casts a glimmering ray of sunshine
focus, go take the shower
Look into the mirror
you should shave yourself today.
maybe not today, who knows. I will see after the shower.
Open the tap
hottest setting, it’s quicker to achieve hot water
ohoh, it’s too hot, turn it down
Enter the shower
it’s too cold, turn it up
Wet the feet, then your tights, it’s nice and warm, wet the chest, then the face, the hair
What am I gonna do today?
I should restart setting the goals for the next day just before bed, like I used to. Don’t be a timewaster. Be gentler on yourself.
Oh it’s that music again in my head, tatchaaa taatacha
focus, rinse your hair.
Camomile shampoo, it’s a nice word to say, camooomiiilee, open the bottle – pop pop
wash the hair, let it simmer. do the same with the shower gel. there’s some nice foam in here.
Should I’ve said that to _____? was it rude? no, Diogo, you just told them how they made you feel, that’s not disrespectful, maybe you were too kind. there’s no such thing as “too kind”. maybe there is. who knows?
My hands are really dry of the cold and dry weather, must use hand cream, afterwards
It’s time to get the foam out
Can’t keep up with the cadence of the thoughts, looks like eminem is in here. I’m not going to be able to remember all of them. f*** it.
oh while I was lost in the thought, the foam is already out of my body. you should be more mindful, Diogo
maybe next shower. when am I gonna shower again? In next few hours maybe? yes, sure, you going have to workout later today, remember? yes sure
Take the towel
Dry your face, first.
you always start with the face, everyone does
Then your chest
Get out of the bath tub
The carpet is a bit soaky
Dry the rest of the body
There’s so much steam I can’t see in here
Open the door
door opens, steam’s out
Sometimes disengagingis the best way to engage
The Creative Act - Rick Rubin